507 Valley Road, Papatawa, Woodville
price TBC
98.69 ha

Rosedale - 98.69 ha
Rosedale provides the astute purchaser the ultimate grazing/finishing block which is centrally located only 10 km from Woodville township and 25 km from Pahiatua. The property features 33 ha of premium flats and 54 ha of easy to medium hill which is well subdivided by conventional post and batten fencing with some electric subdivision. The remaining 11 ha includes some steeper sidings and the river area. Currently utilised as a sheep and beef breeding and finishing farm, the property is well suited to dairy support or utilising the superior flats as a smaller cropping operation with finishing potential. Farming infrastructure includes 3 stand woolshed, some older cattle yards, sheep yards, 2 haysheds, workshop and implement shed. The property is completed with a large 4 bedroom home set in established grounds with double garage and large living areas. Also available; Nakura - 95.55 ha - House and woolshed and Victoria - 117.61 ha - Bareland
507 Valley Road, Papatawa, Woodville
Web ID
Land area
98.69 ha
District rates
$Part of a larger 311.85 hapa
Regional rates
$Part of a larger 311.85 hapa
price TBC
View by appointment