805 Valley Road, Papatawa, Woodville
price TBC
213.16 ha

Nakura, Rosedale and Victoria - 311.85 ha
Located in the Papatawa farming district being 12 km from the Woodville township, under 25 km to Pahiatua and Dannevirke and 40 km to Palmerston North. All three properties share common boundaries and feature favourable contour with large portions of flats to cultivatable hill with some small areas of medium hill and steeper sidlings. The properties feature a good level of improvements with multiple implement sheds, numerous storage sheds, two woolsheds with yards cattle yards and reticulated water throughout. Nakura features a larger three bedroom + office brick and tile home with two bathrooms, double garage, rumpus and utility room with Rosedale complemented by a four bedroom wooden Modulock home with separate garage and workshop - both properties meet the 'Healthy Homes' standards. Available individually or a combination of any, these properties in this ideal location are sure to cater to sheep, beef, dairy grazing or a summersafe add-on to an existing business. Nakura Block A - 95.55 ha - House and woolshed Victoria Block B - 117.61 ha Rosedale Block C - 98.69 ha - House and woolshed Total 311.85 ha
805 Valley Road, Papatawa, Woodville
Web ID
Land area
213.16 ha
District rates
Regional rates
price TBC
View by appointment