27 Bellfield Place, Bethlehem, Tauranga
price TBC

Best buy in Tauranga?
Our seller is adamant that this property is to be sold. Make an offer NOW! When opportunity knocks, you need to strike while the iron is hot. This property is an exceptional chance to build your dream in a outstanding location. Cul-de-sac living and surrounded by birdsong, lush greenery and an elevated outlook sits this substantial 1432m2 site. The flat site tapers off into sloping bush and greenery. This site demands an astute buyer keen to grab and make it truly something special. Within moments of the local shops, schooling, Fernland Spa, motorway access and even Tauranga's city centre, this property sits right where you want to be.
27 Bellfield Place, Bethlehem, Tauranga
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price TBC
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