68 Emerald Road, Waitahuna West, Clutha
price TBC
309.79 ha

Attractive deer farm
- Waitahuna - 309.7944 ha - Encased in a small valley, the property ranges from broad rolling ridge to some steeper sidlings, down to flat to rolling contour. - Completely deer fenced to a very good standard. - Local district water scheme. - This farm has been extensively developed over the years to its present standard. - Excellent deer shed, shearing shed, cattle yards, and several implement/workshop sheds. - Four-bedroom home. The vendor has a road formation (shown in red in the aerial map) as part of his title and has been in discussion with the Clutha District Council regarding ownership and public access but no agreement has been reached.
68 Emerald Road, Waitahuna West, Clutha
Web ID
Land area
309.79 ha
District rates
Regional rates