Lot Lot 1, 268 Graham Road, Dannevirke, Tararua
price TBC
92.16 ha

Finishing or support - 92 ha
Our motivated vendor has purchased elsewhere and requires this property SOLD. At 92 ha total this property offers options to the market, with five Record of Titles allowing for purchase options or further subdivision. Currently utilised as beef finishing the property has a productive history of 50 ha previously utilised as dairy platform with the remainder a mix of easy to medium hill. Farm improvements include a double garage utilised as a storage shed, two 3 bay sheds and a well-formed central race leading to newly built cattle yards. Reticulated water is available with a plentiful dam currently supplying the property via pump to troughs in all paddocks. Our Vendor has created options to meet the market with the property in an excellent location, ample road access and just minutes from the Dannevirke township. Available to purchase as a stand alone or in conjunction with a neighbouring 42 ha.
Lot Lot 1, 268 Graham Road, Dannevirke, Tararua
Web ID
Land area
92.16 ha
District rates
Regional rates
price TBC
View by appointment