879 Palmerston-Waikouaiti Road, Palmerston, Waitaki
price TBC
29.98 ha

Bare land lifestyle opportunity
This is an opportunity to purchase a 29.9830 ha (74 acres) bare land lifestyle property located 4 km south from the township of Palmerston. The contour ranges from flat and rolling with some steeper faces. The land has been divided into seven main paddocks with a good standard of sheep fencing, 10 ha (approximately) is mainly pine trees. 2 units of water from the local rural water supply is available with troughs in the paddocks. Improvements include an older 2-stand woolshed with electricity available, sheep yards, tunnel barn and cattle yards. This is a property with options - build your dream home as it has fantastic potential building sites with great rural views, sun and privacy or farm the land and harvest the trees in the future. For more information and to arrange a viewing time please give us a call.
879 Palmerston-Waikouaiti Road, Palmerston, Waitaki
Web ID
Land area
29.98 ha
District rates
$Not yet setpa
price TBC
View by appointment