233 Auripo Road, Poolburn, Central Otago
By Negotiation
240.56 ha

Dairy support - deer, sheep and beef
Cairnlea offers so much with its quality land, excellent irrigation as well as very good improvements, all making it a quality property. The 240 ha is made up of approx. 125 ha of flat to easy rolling paddocks with a further 115 ha of both developed and native hill. Our current vendors are utilising the property as a dairy support property as well as beef finishing, along with running a very good stud sheep operation. The irrigation on the property is a real feature with water being supplied by the Ida Valley Irrigation Company with 148 shares in this very reliable scheme. Approx. 110 ha are covered by K-Line with 30 ha covered by gun giving an approximate total of 140 ha irrigated. The improvements on the property are of a very good standard with an excellent four-bedroom home that offers excellent living areas for the family, this well-presented home is a real asset. Farm buildings include a 3-stand wool shed with covered yards that also cover as deer yards, 2-bay implement shed plus a selling centre for the on-farm sale of the stud sheep, cattle yards, sheep yards as well as a killing house. Excellent stock water scheme with troughs throughout the property. The quality of the livestock gives excellent testament to the quality of Cairnlea and the management of the property. Fencing throughout is of excellent quality with a central lane being a great asset. As the property has previously been utilised as a deer unit the boundary, plus some internal fencings are deer fenced. The combination of quality land along with irrigation and excellent improvements make Cairnlea a very good property.
233 Auripo Road, Poolburn, Central Otago
Web ID
Land area
240.56 ha
District rates
Regional rates
By Negotiation
View by appointment