Neutral decor can enhance your home’s market value


Opting for neutral decor can enhance the financial appeal of your home.

Prospective buyers touring a home are on a mission to change their lives. Visualising the life they can have as they walk your halls for the first time does more to convince them to submit an offer than the work of a hundred real estate agents. You can help them picture their blissful new existence by updating your pad with neutral décor before you list.

Why take the time to “neutralise” your decor?

Neutral decor is a defining characteristic of minimalism, which embraces clean lines, subdued palettes and muted accents that relax rather than energise the senses. Research indicates this style of interior raises ROI by 5%-10% due to its simplicity and functionality.

Neutral decor also allows the imaginations of buyers to roam more freely, imagining what they’d tuck into that corner instead of your ornate upholstered chairs and overflowing collection of knick-knacks. It’s simple to accomplish, although you may need to move some of your items into storage if you’re between homes and have an ornamental teacup collection that rivals the Queen of England’s.

6 ideas for incorporating neutral decor to enhance market value

Neutral decor can enhance any area of your home’s overall aesthetic. Incorporating the following tips empowers prospective buyers to immerse themselves in their dreams of future holiday gatherings.

1. Exterior painting: Your home’s or listing’s exterior is your first opportunity to wow buyers. A fresh coat of paint gives new life to older homes, eliminating the peeling “haunted house” look. Homeowners who live in a strata title community may have an approved palette of neutral hues from which to choose — check with yours, as some have strict rules on exterior paint colors. Otherwise, white, gray, black and tan are safe choices. Neutral decor doesn’t have to mean monotone. For example, you can create an interesting contrast between your white home and a solid black door, which is the top colour trend for 2022 and is still a popular choice. Pair it with similarly dark window boxes and shutters to give your home character without making prospective buyers question your design choices.

2. Interior painting: Light colours reflect sunlight, and while they may not cool your home’s interior as much as a painted roof, the shades you choose make a difference on a warming planet. When outdoor temperatures soar, as they can on the North Island, any sensory trick you can use to make your home less of a sauna welcomes buyers. Additionally, light, neutral shades open up small spaces, creating a roomier appearance. Choose a singular accent shade for pillows, artwork, and indoor florals, but otherwise, opt for soft, off-whites, taupes, and light greys. The paler the shade, the better for walls. Use darker accents on wainscoting and mantles.

3. Cabinetry: Although brown is technically a neutral decor shade, those burnt sienna cabinets cramp your kitchen space and emit a “nanna’s house” vibe. Instead, lighten them by removing the doors and hardware, priming and painting them.

Use an oil-based paint or a more eco-friendly hybrid enamel, as water-based options take multiple coats to cover darker hues and can chip. A sprayer makes short work of doors, while you’ll need an assortment of brushes to get into every cranny. Sponge-style models work best for tight corners, while traditional bristles or rollers cover larger areas.

4. Flooring: Neutral decor’s magic for enhancing your home’s market value extends to your floors, but you must tread carefully here. While you can certainly ask guests to remove their shoes, doing so isn’t the norm in every culture — and lighter shades quickly show dirt. It can make showings uncomfortable. Your best option is solid wood or stone, which rarely shows footprints. Carpets are best in lower piles, and some intersperse lighter-shaded threads with darker greys to keep things bright without appearing dirty.

5. Accessories: You might have off-white walls — but covering them in paintings with ornate mahogany frames can still make your room look cluttered and dingy. Taking a minimalist approach with your accent decor is best. A single striking picture is often enough, or use a clock or houseplant to break up the uniform scheme. Remember, the goal is to allow prospective buyers to envision their own decor, keeping your precious family portraits stored until you hang them in your new home.

6. Furnishings: Excessive furniture can also clutter the most neutral decor. Store or move as much as possible, keeping only what you need, like a couch, bed and dining table. If possible, use minimalist designs instead of more ornate ones, such as a basic Scandinavian bed frame. A plain white comforter keeps the sleeping area neutral, while a simple tablecloth can make your dining area fit any decor.

Using neutral decor to enhance market value

Prospective home buyers seek the future. They want to visualise it when touring properties, and opting for neutral decor puts their dreams first. Focusing on what they wish for draws more offers at higher price points, making it well worth the effort.

About the Author: Evelyn Long is the Editor-in-Chief of Renovated Magazine and a writer passionate about sharing real estate tips with aspiring homeowners around the world. She regularly contributes to sites like the National Association of Realtors and Allioo.



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