Jacinta Fraser
Commercial Property Manager

About Jacinta
Jacinta has been working as a Property Manager for Property Brokers for a year after returning to work after studying full-time Social Policy at Massey University. While at University, she studied housing and policy, giving her background experience in rental housing and developments on city fringes.
She has worked in the Real Estate sector in commercial and residential property for eight years but took the time off to be a home executive for her three boys.
One of the reasons to come and work for Property Brokers as a company to work in Property Management is the professionalism and the excellent customer service that they strive to offer, as this aligns with what I want to expect when I pay for a service. This drives me to have open communication with tenants and landlords, and will work to mediate to make sure everyone is up to date with what is happening with their outcomes from start to finish. Mediation and support are a big part of this job, and Jacinta ensures that she is approachable and can work well with tenants and landlords.
Moving into town recently from a rural background has given Jacinta more opportunities to participate in the community and policy-driven focused activities. She volunteers with not just sporting bodies but community involvement.
In her very limited spare time with her three young boys, she coaches rugby and cricket and runs long-distance events for mental health.