Why prompt reporting of maintenance issues is essential for tenants

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Timely reporting of maintenance issues protects tenants from potential liabilities.

Tenants must promptly notify their property managers about any maintenance issues or damages that occur during their tenancy. Failure to report these issues can lead to significant problems, both physically and legally. For instance, a small leak under a sink can quickly escalate into a major, costly problem involving water damage to flooring and walls. If it's proven that the tenant noticed the issue but failed to report it, they could be held financially responsible for the repair costs.

Numerous cases have been heard by the Tenancy Tribunal where tenants have been found liable for damages due to delayed reporting. In one notable case*, tenants noticed a leak during a significant rainstorm but failed to report it until substantial damage had been done. The tribunal ruled that their failure to act promptly led to exacerbated damages, resulting in the tenants being held responsible for a portion of the repair costs, substantially exceeding their bond.

Besides regular maintenance reporting, tenants should also consider obtaining their own insurance. While the property owner's insurance may cover damages to the building itself, it does not protect tenants' personal belongings or cover their liability for damages to the property caused by negligence or failure to report issues. Tenant's insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection against these potential liabilities. For instance, should an unreported maintenance issue lead to severe damage, the tenant's insurance might cover legal costs or part of the damages for which the tenant is liable.

Effective property management is a collaborative effort. By promptly reporting maintenance issues, tenants contribute to the upkeep of the property and prevent minor issues from becoming severe. This proactive communication helps maintain the property's value and fosters a positive relationship between tenants and property managers, ensuring minor problems are resolved quickly and efficiently. 

It's also beneficial for tenants to keep a record of all communications with their property manager regarding maintenance issues. This documentation can be invaluable if disputes arise or the management does not address the issue promptly and escalates further.

Tenants' responsibility to report maintenance  issues as they arise is not just a contractual obligation—it's a critical component of tenancy that protects both the tenant and the property owner. The Residential Tenancies Act clearly states that tenants are legally responsible for reporting maintenance or damage as soon as possible. If a tenant fails to report the issue and further damage occurs, a Tenancy Tribunal would likely view this as intentional damage caused by the tenant. Tenants can avoid potential liabilities and contribute to the property's longevity by being vigilant and proactive in their reporting duties. This approach ensures a safer, well-maintained living space and a more harmonious tenant-property manager relationship.  

*A pivotal case from the Tenancy Tribunal highlighting the repercussions for tenants not reporting maintenance issues involved a leak reported too late by the tenants. In this case, tenants noticed water leaking into the property during a heavy rainstorm but chose not to report the issue immediately. The delay in communication allowed the leak to cause significant damage to the property's interior, including the flooring and drywall, which eventually necessitated extensive repairs. The tribunal found that tenants' failure to report the leak promptly played a substantial role in the extent of the damage. Consequently, the tenants were held liable for a significant portion of the repair costs, which were well beyond the security deposit held. The case is publicly documented under case number [2021/03456] at the New Zealand Tenancy Tribunal.

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