1549C Poihipi Road, Oruanui, Taupo
price TBC
42.0 ha

100 Acre Wood
It is a world known fact that the most important aspect of real estate is location. The price can be negotiated so can the terms, but no one can change the location. The 100 Acre Wood is located just 15 minutes from Taupo's CBD. Like the name suggests there are 100 acres more or less offered here for sale with plenty of wood. In fact, there are 32 acres more or less of virgin bush. To be able to purchase pure native bush in New Zealand is certainly a privilege, and to be able to purchase it within minutes of one of the country's most dynamic destinations is simply unheard of. Where the bush isn't growing, you have rolling pasture and ponds, a peek of the great lake from a superb building platform where an off the grid home would be the way to go to preserve the natural beauty on offer here. Just 12kms down the road is the lakeside village of Kinloch which adds to the perfect location this property offers. Kinloch is now home to both an international golf course and a smaller ten hole course for the less faint hearted. One of the three restaurants and the general store with fantastic takeaways, are just over the road from the boat ramps, playground, a world-class marina and of course the beach. So......if you want a bolt hole away from it all to come and relax, build that stunning off the grid home or simply farm a small holding, then you need to call The 100 Acre Wood home.
View by appointment