5661A State Highway 26, Te Aroha, Matamata-Piako
price TBC
49.49 ha



Options Galore
Run as the well renowned Rapu Hereford Stud, this approx. 50 ha grazing/breeding block comes to the market with two titles - you have the option to purchase them separately or as one. Option 1 19.3617 ha including a comfortable 3 bedroom 1960s brick home plus excellent shedding and yards Option 2 30.1314 ha which includes 2 haybarns plus yards and separate water supply Option 3 49.4931 ha - combining both titles Situated between Te Aroha and Paeroa, this flat, extremely well fenced property has been used as a Hereford breeding stud carrying approx. 100 breeding cows and calves, 70 yearlings and 15 breeding bulls. Buildings include a comfortable 3 bedroom brick home with 3 car garaging, a vast array of farm sheds including two round bay barns (5-bay and 2-bay) plus two gable barns. There are two sets of yards while the water comes from a well and bore. The soils are a mixture of Waihou sandy loam and Patetonga clay.
5661A State Highway 26, Te Aroha, Matamata-Piako
Web ID
Floor area
Land area
49.49 ha


price TBC
View by appointment