235 Inches Road, Masons Flat, Hurunui
Auction 08 April 2025
347.44 ha

Third and final call ...
"The Hogget Block" 347ha of clean hill country is for sale by public auction (if not sold prior). Sweet hill country growing clover to the top of the hill. 400 masl at Inches Road access to 800 masl at the top. Approximately 850mm rainfall. Natural springs up high, Taruna stream flowing on the South boundary of the property, down to the Waitohi River. 5 well fenced hill blocks, 4 holding paddocks. Approximately 18kms from Hawarden. Property is bare land (no house) with cattle yards off Inches Road. Our vendor has been running breeding cows and selling calves (C10). This has been a low-cost operation with no supplements feed. Variety of options here , traditional farming, safari park to tourist ventures to name a few. Don't miss the opportunity to own a good hunk of paradise. Our vendors have listened to the market and are ready to meet potential purchasers. To be sold by public auction (if not sold prior) 8th April 2025 @ 2pm Venue, 222 High Street Rangiora, Property Brokers auction room. Viewing is by appointment only. Own side by side or 4 wheeler to access the tracks. No big vehicles. Tracks slippery when wet. Buyers need to register. More information plus LIM etc. Please contact vendors sole agent, Hamish Anderson 027 678 8888.
235 Inches Road, Masons Flat, Hurunui
Web ID
Land area
347.44 ha
District rates
$4,784.40 p.a.
Auction (will not be sold prior)
Tuesday, 08 April 2025, 2.00pm
Upcoming open days(s)