236 Sherwood Road, Waiau, Hurunui
price TBC
296.23 ha




Superb balance and productivity
*** Forget all previous pricing *** More than meets the eye here, as a drive by doesn't show the whole property. Situated just off the Scenic Triangle's Inland Road and just over the hill from Rodin Cars and a very short drive from Mt Lyford ski-field, it could be perfect for farm-stays. This is a warm property which has in the past been considered "summer safe" and has an average rainfall of 1000mm, with an altitude of approximately 250 metres. There are three main soil types, with much of the Mairaki soil having been tile drained 25 years ago, as well as some Eyre stony silt loam. This gives an excellent balance, enabling stock to be moved to the lighter soil when it is very wet. The property has very good infrastructure, with good cattle-yards, sheep-yards and covered yards/wool-shed complex. With 6.8km of road frontage on quiet roads why not let the Council maintain your central race. The wool-shed is a 3-stand raised board layout with a good size wool room and the covered yards can be set up for drenching and drafting or using the pneumatic sheep handler. With 2 hay-sheds on each side of the road, the distance from paddock to shed is kept to a minimum for carting and feeding out. The other sheds are a 7 bay implement shed, a 3 bay implement shed, the new 2 bay shed, a workshop, sundry small sheds and there are 2 large fertiliser bins. The home is a 180m2, 4-bedroom, 2 living area, dwelling, in good condition, with a separate garage. Subdivided into 44 main paddocks, pastures are very good with many new tetraploid pastures, vigorous older pastures, some lucerne and for summer and winter feed, brassica crops have been grown every year. Normal stocking would be approximately 2000 sheep and 200 cattle. Scanning and lambing percentages have been among the best in the district. Excellent trimmed shelter belts and some native plantings are a feature of this property. There is also good natural shelter with the contour and a number of shade and aesthetic plantings.
236 Sherwood Road, Waiau, Hurunui
Web ID
Floor area
Land area
296.23 ha
District rates
$23,546.90 p.a.



price TBC
View by appointment