577 Pesters Road, West Eyreton, Waimakariri
price TBC

Arborists Dream
This beautiful block of land has been planted out in a range of trees, with potential income from 2.5 hectares of pines, which are close to a millable size. The balance of the land, including an ideal house site, is planted out in hazelnuts and a number of Ash trees. The timber from the Ash is known as one of the strongest of the hardwoods. The soil is described as mainly Templeton deep silt and moderately deep silt with an area of Eyre shallow silt loam, which has proved ideal for trees. Situated on the very quiet, chip sealed, Pesters Road, it is very close to the highly regarded West Eyreton primary school, which caters for years 1 to 8. Subject to title it will have its own well and there is three phase power at the roadside. This should be viewed as the photo's don't do it justice.
577 Pesters Road, West Eyreton, Waimakariri
Web ID
Land area
5.24 ha
price TBC
View by appointment