Lot 16 Oceanside Subdivision, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
Buyers $1,200,000+

Unique waterfront estate
Here is a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to purchase a limited release of Stage 2 sections at the exclusive Oceanside development nestled in between the Coastal Walkway and the New Plymouth Golf Club. Oceanside boasts breathtaking coastal views, with access to the coastal walkway and the magical and sometimes wild, uninhabited beachfront in a location most could only dream of. This slice of paradise on a 15.5acre site has been meticulously thought-out with an environmentally conscious masterplan of planting, roading, and building covenants to compliment the coastal environment. With 8 sections released in Stage 1 - now all SOLD. A limited release of Stage 2 sections are available now for sale. Lot 16 being 4,530 m2 with a curtilage area of 860 m2. Priced at $1.5 million. For further information visit www.oceansidewaiwhakaiho.co.nz or view our video www.propertybrokers.co.nz/residential/npu81317/Oceanside-Subdivision-Waiwhakaiho/
Lot 16 Oceanside Subdivision, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
Web ID
Buyers $1,200,000+
View by appointment