13 Gordon Street, Southbridge, Selwyn
price TBC



Half acre heaven
Located in a very private position this property in the increasingly popular village of Southbridge offering 2200m2 of land with its mature plantings and shrubs will feel like your own private oasis at the end of the day. The permanent material home has plenty of room for all with its extensive open plan kitchen/dining/living space, four bedrooms, separate laundry and centrally located bathroom. Alternatively the very large master bedroom could be the second living room leaving three bedroom options. With a free standing logburner, heatpump, HRV and nightstore heater in the hall this home is sure to be warm on the coldest of winter days. The home is well positioned to take advantage of maximum sun with the family living area being particularly well located for natural light and warmth. Standing alone from the house the original garage has been divided into a lined space which could serve as a hobbies room or storage and the balance of this area being a workshop. Outdoors the spacious grounds are relatively easy care and there are numerous trees offering shelter and shade. If it is the good life in a quiet environment you crave then look no further than this property at 13 Gordon Street Southbridge. To request more information about this property, please copy and paste the following link into your web browser: https://justinlelievre.propertybrokers.co.nz/request-information-files/LEU188410
13 Gordon Street, Southbridge, Selwyn
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price TBC
View by appointment