2805 Macraes Road, Moonlight, Dunedin City
By Negotiation
2054.90 ha

It doesn't get better than this
The combination of scope, flat and rolling contour along with an excellent standard of improvements all make Dochroyle a very good sheep and beef breeding and finishing farm. 2805 Macraes Road is located close to the gold mining town of Macraes in East Otago. The property consists of 2055 ha of flat and rolling paddocks with some steeper hill blocks. Improvements include a well presented main homestead, plus a second three bedroom cottage. A third home is in the process of being moved onto the property. 4 stand woolshed and covered yards with 2000 night pen, numerous haybarns, implement sheds, workshop etc, all help make this an excellent productive farm. Dochroyle wintered 6600 Romney ewes, 1800 hoggets, 120 rams and killers, 150 breeding cows, 140 R2 steers and heifers, 140 R1 steers and heifers, plus bulls. Dairy heifer grazing in 2014. Dochroyle has the reputation as a productive property in excellent heart. Rare opportunity to purchase a quality property.
2805 Macraes Road, Moonlight, Dunedin City
Web ID
Land area
2054.90 ha
District rates
Regional rates
By Negotiation
View by appointment